''Autor: **Moqill**\\
Licencja: **open source**\\
Testowane: **TFS 0.4_**\\''
Oto pliczek który dodajemy za pomocą:
local config = {
-- 1 sala
[2040] = {stone = {x=608, y=646, z=10}, time=20, stoneid=1304, switch=1945},
[2041] = {stone = {x=608, y=645, z=10}, time=20, stoneid=1304, switch=1945},
[2042] = {stone = {x=608, y=644, z=10}, time=20, stoneid=1304, switch=1945},
-- 2 sala
[2043] = {stone = {x=649, y=645, z=12}, time=20, stoneid=1304, switch=1945},
[2044] = {stone = {x=650, y=645, z=12}, time=20, stoneid=1304, switch=1945},
[2045] = {stone = {x=651, y=645, z=12}, time=20, stoneid=1304, switch=1945},
-- 3 sale z fioletowymi ogniami
[2046] = {stone = {x=660, y=650, z=11}, time=10, stoneid=1304, switch=1945},
[2047] = {stone = {x=662, y=650, z=11}, time=10, stoneid=1304, switch=1945},
[2048] = {stone = {x=664, y=650, z=11}, time=10, stoneid=1304, switch=1945},
[2049] = {stone = {x=666, y=650, z=11}, time=10, stoneid=1304, switch=1945},
-- ostatnia sala 8 kamieni
[2050] = {stone = {x=684, y=650, z=12}, time=60, stoneid=1304, switch=1945},
[2051] = {stone = {x=685, y=650, z=12}, time=60, stoneid=1304, switch=1945},
[2052] = {stone = {x=686, y=650, z=12}, time=60, stoneid=1304, switch=1945},
[2053] = {stone = {x=687, y=650, z=12}, time=60, stoneid=1304, switch=1945},
[2054] = {stone = {x=688, y=650, z=12}, time=60, stoneid=1304, switch=1945},
[2055] = {stone = {x=689, y=650, z=12}, time=60, stoneid=1304, switch=1945},
[2056] = {stone = {x=690, y=650, z=12}, time=60, stoneid=1304, switch=1945},
[2057] = {stone = {x=691, y=650, z=12}, time=60, stoneid=1304, switch=1945}
function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
local cfg = config[item.uid]
local stoneCheck = getTileItemById(cfg.stone, cfg.stoneid)
if item.itemid == 1945 then
doCreatureSay(cid, "You deleted this stone for "..cfg.time.." minutes. Hurry up!", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid + 1)
local function eventCreateItem(a) doCreateItem(a[1], a[2], a[3]) end
addEvent(eventCreateItem, cfg.time*60*1000, {cfg.stoneid, 1, cfg.stone})
local function eventDoTransformItem(b) doTransformItem(b[1], b[2]) end
addEvent(eventDoTransformItem, cfg.time*60*1000, {item.uid, cfg.switch})
elseif item.itemid == 1946 then
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "The stone is deleted.")
return true
I Teraz 2 pliczki do tronów i bramek. Dodajemy za pomocą:
local config = {
[2066] = {storage = 2060, name="Verminor´s", efekt = 20},
[2067] = {storage = 2061, name="Infernatil´s", efekt = 15},
[2068] = {storage = 2062, name="Tafariel´s", efekt = 2},
[2069] = {storage = 2063, name="Apocalypse´s", efekt = 4},
[2070] = {storage = 2064, name="Pumina's", efekt = 7},
[2071] = {storage = 2065, name="Ashfalor´s", efekt = 17}
function onStepIn(cid, item, pos)
local pos = {x=712, y=658, z=12}
local cfg = config[item.uid]
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, cfg.storage) ~= 1 then
doTeleportThing(cid, pos)
doCreatureSay(cid, "Sorry, but you did not absorb enough energy! You must touch " ..cfg.name.. " throne!", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
return true
local config = {
[2060] = {storage = 2060, name = "Verminor´s", efekt = 20},
[2061] = {storage = 2061, name = "Infernatil´s", efekt = 15},
[2062] = {storage = 2062, name = "Tafariel´s", efekt = 2},
[2063] = {storage = 2063, name = "Apocalypse´s", efekt = 4},
[2064] = {storage = 2064, name = "Pumina's", efekt = 7},
[2065] = {storage = 2065, name = "Ashfalor´s", efekt = 17}
function onStepIn(cid, item, pos)
local cfg = config[item.uid]
local pos = getCreaturePosition(cid)
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, cfg.storage) == -1 then
doCreatureSay(cid, 'You have touched '..cfg.name..' throne and absorbed some of his spirit.', TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
doTeleportThing(cid, {x=pos.x, y=pos.y+2, z=pos.z})
doCreatureSay(cid,"Begone.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
doCreatureSay(cid, 'You have already absorbed some of '..cfg.name..' spirit.', TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
doTeleportThing(cid, {x=pos.x, y=pos.y+2, z=pos.z})
return true